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Rev. colomb. biotecnol ; 25(1)jun. 2023.
Article in Spanish | LILACS-Express | LILACS | ID: biblio-1535722


La Proteína Verde Fluorescente (Green Fluorescent Protein, GFP) es ampliamente utilizada en ensayos in vivo e in vitro. Se han generado múltiples variantes de esta proteína para diversificar sus características, como la GFP-enhancer (EGFP) que emite una señal de fluorescencia 35 veces mayor en comparación con la proteína silvestre, siendo implementada como proteína fusión en estudios de localización y estabilidad estructural, entre otros. La detección de esta proteína y sus variantes puede ser directa o indirecta, mediante el uso de anticuerpos anti-GFP. Aunque el uso de GFP es generalizado y de evidente utilidad en investigación y en docencia, los insumos para su estudio exhiben un alto costo dado que deben ser importados, constituyendo un recurso limitado en Colombia. El presente trabajo reporta la clonación y expresión de la proteína recombinante 6xHisEGFP, cuya purificación se completó a partir de la fracción soluble e insoluble del sistema heterólogo Escherichia coli mediante cromatografía de afinidad a metales inmovilizados y electroforesis preparativa, respectivamente. La proteína purificada se implementó como antígeno para la producción de anticuerpos policlonales aviares (IgY) contra la EGFP, los cuales se obtuvieron desde los huevos colectados y el suero de las sangrías de las gallinas inmunizadas. En este sentido, la estrategia metodológica planteada constituye un avance en el desarrollo de un sistema biotecnológico para la producción nacional de herramientas moleculares como los anticuerpos policlonales aviares a bajo costo.

Green Fluorescent Protein (GFP) is widely used in in vivo and in vitro assays. Multiple variants of this protein have been generated to diversify its characteristics, such as the enhancer GFP (EGFP) that emits a 35-fold higher fluorescence signal compared to the wild-type protein, being implemented as a fusion reporter in localization and structural stability studies, among others. Detection of this protein can be direct or indirect, fusing anti-GFP antibodies. Although the use of GFP is generalized and of evident utility in research and teaching, the molecular tools for its study exhibit a high cost since they must be imported, constituting a limited resource in Colombia. This work reports the cloning and expression of the recombinant protein 6xHisEGFP, which purification was completed from the soluble and insoluble fraction of the heterologous Escherichia coli system by immobilized metal affinity chromatography and preparative SDS-PAGE, respectively. The purified protein was implemented as an antigen to produce avian polyclonal antibodies (IgY) against EGFP, which were obtained from collected eggs and blood serum from immunized hens. In this sense, the proposed methodological strategy constitutes an advance in the development of a biotechnological system for the national production of molecular tools such as avian polyclonal antibodies at low-cost.

Belo Horizonte; s.n; 2023. 76 p.
Thesis in Portuguese | LILACS | ID: biblio-1512965


O controle da leishmaniose visceral (LV) requer um diagnóstico e tratamento adequados, uma vez que o diagnóstico preciso é fundamental para um regime medicamentoso eficaz para os pacientes. Nesse contexto, as ferramentas biotecnológicas devem ser aprimoradas para o manejo clínico e a avaliação epidemiológica da doença. No entanto, existem limitações relacionadas com a sensibilidade e/ou especificidade dos antígenos usados atualmente, mostrando a necessidade de identificação de novas moléculas para serem testadas em um diagnóstico sorológico mais sensível e específico. Neste sentido, no presente estudo, uma abordagem imunoproteômica foi usada para identificar proteínas antigênicas das formas promastigotas e amastigotas da espécie Leishmania infantum, causadora de LV em nosso país, por meio de seu reconhecimento por anticorpos em soros de pacientes com a doença. Amostras de indivíduos saudáveis residentes em região endêmica da doença e de pacientes com Doença de Chagas foram utilizadas com a função de se obter proteínas mais específicas ao parasito Leishmania para serem avaliadas no diagnóstico da LV. Como resultados obtidos, um total de 29 e 21 proteínas foram identificadas nos extratos de formas promastigotas e amastigotas dos parasitos, respectivamente. Para a validação da capacidade diagnóstica, duas proteínas, endonuclease III e GTP-binding protein, foram selecionadas, clonadas, expressas e purificadas para serem testadas em experimentos de ELISA. Os resultados dos testes mostraram valores de sensibilidade e especificidade superiores a 99,0% para a identificação da LV. Os antígenos ainda exibiram um diferencial ao apresentarem baixa reatividade sorológica em pacientes curados e tratados, sugerindo a possibilidade de que as mesmas possam ser aplicadas como marcadores prognósticos da doença. Em conclusão, o estudo imunoproteômico se mostrou eficaz na seleção de proteínas antigênicas de L. infantum e duas delas, endonuclease III e GTP-binding protein, foram bem avaliadas para o diagnóstico da LV frente a um painel sorológico, além de demonstrarem um potencial para monitoramento de pacientes com LV após o tratamento.

The control of visceral leishmaniasis (VL) requires an adequate diagnosis and treatment, since an accurate diagnosis is essential for an effective medication regimen for patients. In this context, biotechnological tools must be improved for the clinical management and epidemiological assessment of the disease. However, there are limitations related to the sensitivity and / or specificity of the antigens currently used, showing the necessity to identify new molecules to be tested in a more sensitive and specific serological diagnosis. In this sense, in the present study, an immunoproteomics approach was used to identify antigenic proteins of the Leishmania infantum promastigote and amastigote forms, which causes VL in our country, through its recognition by antibodies in sera of patients with the disease. Samples from healthy individuals living in an endemic region of the disease and from patients with Chagas disease were used to obtain more specific proteins for the Leishmania parasite, aiming their future application in the VL diagnosis. As results obtained, a total of 29 and 21 proteins were identified in the extracts of parasitic promastigotes and amastigotes, respectively. For validation of the diagnostic capacity, two proteins, endonuclease III and GTP-binding protein, were selected, cloned, expressed and purified to be tested in ELISA experiments. The test results showed sensitivity and specificity values greater than 99.0% for the identification of VL. The antigens also exhibited a differential when presenting low serological reactivity in cured and treated patients, suggesting the possibility that they can be applied as prognostic markers of the disease. In conclusion, the immunoproteomic study proved to be effective in the selection of L. infantum antigenic proteins and two of them, endonuclease III and GTP-binding protein, were well evaluated for the diagnosis of VL against a serological panel, in addition, demonstrating a potential for monitoring patients with VL after treatment.

Humans , Male , Female , Recombinant Proteins , Leishmania infantum , Leishmaniasis, Visceral , Diagnosis
Rev. peru. med. exp. salud publica ; 39(1): 15-23, ene.-mar. 2022. graf
Article in Spanish | LILACS | ID: biblio-1389924


RESUMEN Objetivo. Evaluar in silico y a nivel serológico el potencial antigénico del dominio extracelular recombinante de la proteína de ensamblaje de lipopolisacáridos - D (LptD) de Bartonella bacilliformis (dexr_LptD). Materiales y métodos. Mediante el análisis in silico se realizó la selección de una proteína de B. bacilliformis con potencial antigénico e inmunogénico. El gen de la proteína seleccionada se clonó en Escherichia coli TOP10 y se expresó en Escherichia coli BL21 (DE3) pLysS. La proteína recombinante fue expresada usando isopropil-β-D-1-tiogalactopiranósido (IPTG) y se optimizaron las condiciones de inducción. Por último, se purificó con resina Ni-IDA (His60 Ni Superflow) y se realizó un ensayo de Western Blot. Resultados. In silico, la proteína seleccionada fue LptD por estar localizada en la membrana externa y ser antigénica e inmunogénica. Las condiciones optimizadas para la inducción del dexr_LptD fueron 0,5 mM IPTG, 16 h, medio TB (Terrific Broth), etanol al 3% (v/v), 28 ºC, OD600: 1-1,5 y 200 r.p.m. La purificación se realizó en condiciones denaturantes a pequeña escala y se obtuvo 2,6 µg/mL de dexr_LptD parcialmente purificada. El ensayo de Western Blot mostró una reacción positiva entre los sueros provenientes de pacientes con la enfermedad de Carrión y dexr_LptD, ello evidencia la antigenicidad del dexr_LptD. Conclusiones. El dexr_LptD muestra antigenicidad in silico y a nivel serológico, estos resultados son base para posteriores estudios sobre candidatos vacunales contra la enfermedad de Carrión.

ABSTRACT Objective. To evaluate in silico and at the serological level the antigenic potential of the recombinant extracellular domain of the lipopolysaccharide assembly protein - D (LptD) of Bartonella bacilliformis (dexr_LptD). Materials and Methods. Through in silico analysis, we selected a B. bacilliformis protein with antigenic and immunogenic potential. The selected protein gene was cloned into Escherichia coli TOP10 and expressed in Escherichia coli BL21 (DE3) pLysS. Recombinant protein was expressed using isopropyl-β-D-1-thiogalactopyranoside (IPTG) and induction conditions were optimized. Finally, it was purified with Ni-IDA resin (His60 Ni Superflow) and a Western Blot assay was conducted. Results. In silico, the selected protein was LptD because it is located in the outer membrane and is antigenic and immunogenic. Optimized conditions for dexr_LptD induction were 0.5 mM IPTG, 16 hours, TB (Terrific Broth) medium, 3% (v/v) ethanol, 28 ºC, OD600: 1-1.5 and 200 rpm. Purification was carried out under denaturating conditions on a small scale and we obtained 2.6 μg/mL of partially purified dexr_LptD. The Western Blot assay showed a positive reaction between the sera from patients with Carrión's Disease and dexr_LptD, which shows the antigenicity of dexr_LptD. Conclusions. The dexr_LptD shows antigenicity both in silico and at the serological level, these results are the basis for further studies on vaccine candidates against Carrion's Disease.

Recombinant Proteins , Cloning, Organism , Bartonella bacilliformis , Bartonella Infections , Computational Biology , Immunogenicity, Vaccine
Med.lab ; 26(4): 319-322, 2022.
Article in Spanish | LILACS | ID: biblio-1412438


Entre finales de 2019 y mediados de 2022, la pandemia de COVID-19 ha causado más de 600 millones de casos confirmados y al menos 6,5 millones de muertes, constituyendo la emergencia de salud pública más importante de las últimas décadas. En paralelo con el transcurso de la pandemia, ha tenido lugar una carrera sin precedentes por la obtención de vacunas eficaces para el control de la rápida dispersión del virus. Cuatro meses después del anuncio de la emergencia del SARS-CoV-2, agente de la pandemia, ya habían 115 "vacunas candidatas", cinco de ellas en fase de ensayos clínicos [1]. Al mismo tiempo, una gran revolución en la producción de vacunas estaba ocurriendo; nuevas tecnologías de producción de biológicos, más eficaces y más rápidas, llevaron al desarrollo de vacunas útiles en un tiempo increíblemente corto. Antes de la pandemia, el desarrollo de una nueva vacuna típicamente solía tomar entre cinco y diez años, pero en 2020, a menos de un año de haberse declarado la pandemia, ya se habían publicado ensayos clínicos que demostraban la eficacia de varias vacunas producidas mediante tecnologías novedosas [2]. Son numerosas las vacunas contra el SARS-CoV-2 que han sido autorizadas para su uso. A la fecha, más de 12 mil millones de dosis de vacunas han sido administradas en el mundo [3]. Se estima que tres dosis de vacunas pueden evitar hasta en un 94 % el riesgo de uso de ventilación mecánica y muerte [4], así mismo, estudios demuestran que el riesgo de mortalidad por COVID-19 en los no vacunados es 25 veces mayor que en los vacunados

Humans , COVID-19 , Recombinant Proteins , RNA, Messenger , Disease Vectors , COVID-19 Vaccines
Article in Spanish | LILACS, CUMED | ID: biblio-1341785


La levadura metilotrófica Pichia pastoris (clasificada actualmente como Komagataella phaffii) es una de las más importantes para la producción de proteínas heterólogas. En el trabajo se presenta un análisis de las principales características que se ponen de manifiesto en la expresión de proteínas recombinantes expresadas en este microorganismo. Se describen las cepas disponibles para la transformación y producción de proteínas recombinantes expresadas en Pichia pastoris, los principales vectores comerciales para la expresión, los promotores más eficientes, los marcadores seleccionables, la señal de secreción, los métodos usados en las transformaciones genéticas y los patrones de glicosilación que se presentan. Se brindan recomendaciones generales acerca de los parámetros de bioprocesos como la composición del medio, el pH, la temperatura, la velocidad de aireación, la inducción y las estrategias de alimentación para alcanzar altos valores de productividad. Se presentan los resultados de las aplicaciones de Pichia pastoris en la producción de dos vacunas en Cuba, la vacuna contra la hepatitis B y la vacuna para el control de la garrapata(AU)

Pichia pastoris metylotrofic yeast (currently classified as Komagataella phaffii) is one of the most important yeast for the production of heterologous proteins. The work presents an analysis of the main characteristics that are marked in the production of recombinant proteins expressed in Pichia pastoris. It describes the strains available for the transformation and production of recombinant proteins expressed in P. pastoris, the main commercial vectors for expression, the most efficient promoters, selectable markers, the secretion signal, the methods used in genetic transformations and glycosylation patterns that occur. General recommendations are provided on bioprocess parameters such as media composition, pH, temperature, aeration velocity, induction, and feeding strategies to achieve high productivity values. The results of Pichia pastoris applications for the production of two vaccines in Cuba, the hepatitis B vaccine and the tick control vaccine are shown(AU)

Pichia , Yeasts , Recombinant Proteins , Protein Engineering , Tick Control/methods , Hepatitis B Vaccines/therapeutic use , Cuba
Vaccimonitor (La Habana, Print) ; 30(1)ene.-abr. 2021. tab, graf
Article in English | LILACS, CUMED | ID: biblio-1150249


The aim of this work is the expression of the PreS2-S region of surface antigen of hepatitis B virus (HBV) in yeast Pichia pastoris. A cDNA fragment encoding the Pres2-S protein of HBV was cloned to yeast transfer vectors. Based on cloned new plasmids pPIC3.5-PreS2-S (8707 bp) and pPIC9-PreS2-S (8980 bp) the recombinant strains of P. pastoris producing the PreS2-S region of surface antigen of HBV were obtained. The PAGE electrophoresis and immunoblotting of obtained recombinant PreS2-S protein confirm the molecular weight (34 kDa) and high specificity to the HBV antibodies)AU)

El objetivo de este trabajo es la expresión de la región PreS2-S del antígeno de superficie del virus de la hepatitis B en la levadura Pichia pastoris. Se clonó un fragmento de ADNc que codifica la proteína PreS2-S del VHB en vectores de transferencia de levadura. A partir de los nuevos plásmidos clonados pPIC3.5-PreS2-S (8707 pb) y pPIC9-PreS2-S (8980 pb) se obtuvieron las cepas recombinantes de P. pastoris productoras de la región PreS2-S del antígeno de superficie del VHB. La electroforesis PAGE y la inmunotransferencia de la proteína PreS2-S recombinante obtenida confirman el peso molecular (34 kDa) y la alta especificidad a los anticuerpos contra el VHB(AU)

Humans , Recombinant Proteins , Hepatitis B virus , Vaccines, DNA/therapeutic use
Arq. bras. med. vet. zootec. (Online) ; 72(3): 703-710, May-June, 2020. ilus, graf
Article in Portuguese | LILACS, VETINDEX | ID: biblio-1128856


O herpesvírus equídeo 1 (EHV-1) apresenta distribuição mundial e causa graves prejuízos à equideocultura. É agente de surtos de doença respiratória, reprodutiva e neurológica, em equídeos jovens e adultos. A glicoproteína D (gD) do envelope viral é essencial para ligação e penetração em células permissivas e direcionamento do sistema imunológico do hospedeiro, induz respostas imunes humorais e celulares, sendo um antígeno apropriado para ser utilizado em vacinas e imunodiagnóstico. O objetivo deste trabalho foi expressar e caracterizar a gD do EHV-1 em Pichia pastoris para posterior utilização como antígeno em técnicas de imunodiagnóstico e formulação de vacinas recombinantes. Uma sequência de DNA que codifica uma forma truncada da gDEHV-1 foi clonada no vetor pPICZαA de expressão em P. pastoris. Obteve-se uma proteína de ~41 kDa, como esperado. A proteína apresentou glicosilação entre 4 kDa e 16 kDa, demonstrada por deglicosilação enzimática. A proteína recombinante foi caracterizada antigenicamente e imunogenicamente por Western blot, utilizando-se anticorpos policlonais equinos anti-EHV-1, e por ELISA indireto em modelo murino, demonstrando que a gD recombinante manteve epítopos similares aos da proteína nativa. Esses resultados sugerem que a gDEHV-1 é um antígeno promissor para uso como imunobiológico no controle do EHV-1.(AU)

Equine herpesvirus 1 (EHV-1) has a worldwide distribution and causes serious damage to horse breeding. It is an agent of respiratory, reproductive and neurological disease outbreaks in young and adult equids. Viral envelope glycoprotein D (gD) is essential for binding and penetration into permissive cells and targeting the host immune system, inducing humoral and cellular immune responses, and is an appropriate antigen for use in vaccines and immunodiagnostics. The objective of this work was to express in Pichia pastoris and to characterize EHV-1 gD for later use as an antigen in immunodiagnostic techniques and formulation of recombinant vaccines. A DNA sequence encoding a truncated form of gDEHV-1 has been cloned into the P. pastoris expression vector pPICZαA. A protein of ~41 kDa was obtained as expected. The protein presented glycosylation between 4 kDa and 16 kDa, demonstrated by enzymatic deglycosylation. The recombinant protein was antigenically and immunogenically characterized by Western blot using equine polyclonal anti-EHV-1 antibodies, and by indirect ELISA in a murine model, demonstrating that the recombinant gD maintained epitopes similar to those of the native protein. These results suggest that gDEHV-1 is a promising antigen for use as an immunobiological in the control of EHV-1.(AU)

Animals , Pichia/isolation & purification , Glycoproteins , Herpesvirus 1, Equid/isolation & purification , Respiratory Tract Diseases/veterinary , Horses/virology
São Paulo; s.n; s.n; 2019. 48 p. tab, graf, ilus.
Thesis in Portuguese | LILACS | ID: biblio-1049502


Biofármacos e produtos imunobiológicos representam uma parcela significativa no mercado farmacêutico global. Cerca de 400 milhões de pessoas em todo o mundo dependem desses produtos e, muitas vezes, necessitarão delas para o resto de suas vidas. Até o momento, a tecnologia convencional para síntese dessas proteínas recombinantes é a expressão baseada em células. Porém, este sistema está frequentemente associado a problemas como a degradação da proteína-alvo devido à presença de nucleases e proteases, agregação com formação de corpos de inclusão e perda de molde de DNA. A plataforma de síntese proteica livre de células (do inglês Cell-Free Protein Synthesis ou CFPS) tem surgido como uma alternativa à expressão baseada em célula, permitindo a síntese de diversas proteínas, inclusive as de difícil expressão, na forma solúvel, em elevado rendimento e com capacidade de escalonamento. Este estudo buscou sintetizar a proteína interferon-ß1b humano recombinante (rhINF-ß1b) no sistema CFPS. Através de um trabalho de bioinformática, otimizou-se a sequência nucleotídica da proteína para expressão em lisado de E. coli e construiu-se um vetor de expressão linear, contendo promotor T7, RBS, região codificadora e um terminador T7. O sistema CFPS aceita molde de DNA no formato linear, que possui a vantagem de agilidade na preparação, sem a necessidade das etapas de clonagem, transformação, cultivo, extração e purificação do DNA. Também foi testado a expressão em DNA plasmidial, em que o gene do IFN foi clonado em vetor TOPO-TA Cloning. Para comparar os níveis de expressão foi utilizado esses mesmos vetores no sistema baseado em célula, com cepas de BL21(DE3) e Rosetta(DE3). Apesar da proteína de interesse não ter sido sintetizada com sucesso no sistema CFPS, foram dados alguns passos importantes para atingir este objetivo. No futuro, uma das prioridades é padronizar um sistema livre de células do laboratório capaz de fornecer um elevado rendimento para síntese de proteínas

Biopharmaceutical and immunobiological products represent a growing share of the global pharmaceutical market. Around 400 million people worldwide are dependent of such proteins and, often, they are going to need for the rest of their lives. So far, the most employed biopharmaceutical production technology is cell-based expression. However, this system is usually associated with problems such as degradation of proteins due to the presence of endogenous nucleases or proteases, aggregation with inclusion bodies formation and loss of DNA template. Cell-Free Protein Synthesis (CFPS) platform has emerged as an alternative to cell-based expression, allowing synthesis of many types of proteins, including difficult-to-express proteins, proteins in soluble form, in high yield and possibility to scale up or down the process. This work sought to synthesize recombinant human interferon-ß1b (rhINF-ß1b) in CFPS system. Through a bioinformatics study, a nucleotide sequence of the target protein was optimized for expression in E. coli lysate and a linear DNA template was designed, containing a T7 promoter, a RBS, a coding sequence and a T7 terminator. The CFPS system accepts linear template DNA, which has the advantage of agility in the preparation, without the need for the steps of cloning, transformation, cultivation, extraction and purification of DNA template. Expression in plasmid DNA was also tested, wherein the IFN gene was cloned into TOPO-TA Cloning vector. To compare expression levels, the same vectors were used in the cell-based system with BL21 (DE3) and Rosetta (DE3) strains. Although the protein of interest was not successfully synthesized in the CFPS system, some important steps were taken to achieve this goal. In the future, one of the priorities is to standardize the lysate preparation for a high throughput protein production

Recombinant Proteins/analysis , Computational Biology/instrumentation , Interferon beta-1b/analysis , Cells , Escherichia coli
Ginecol. obstet. Méx ; 86(12): 779-786, feb. 2018. tab, graf
Article in Spanish | LILACS-Express | LILACS | ID: biblio-1133987


Resumen OBJETIVO: Describir la situación final de salud de las pacientes con hemorragia obstétrica grave (≥ 1000 mL) en quienes se indicó factor VII recombinante activado como parte del tratamiento e identificar las complicaciones atribuibles a este medicamento. MATERIALES Y MÉTODOS: Estudio retrospectivo, transversal y descriptivo efectuado en pacientes con hemorragia obstétrica grave atendidas en el Hospital Civil de Guadalajara Dr. Juan I Menchaca entre 2001 y 2017 y tratadas con factor VII recombinante activado. Se identificaron los antecedentes de importancia y se calculó la dosis promedio y cantidad de dosis de factor VII recombinante activado; se valoró la respuesta hemostática y se determinó si la diferencia en cantidad de sangrado, administración de hemoderivados y parámetros hematológicos antes y después de utilizar factor VII recombinante activado fue significativa. RESULTADOS: Se identificaron 10 pacientes en quienes se aplicó factor VII recombinante activado. La causa de hemorragia obstétrica grave fue atonía uterina en seis casos. La dosis promedio de factor VII recombinante activado fue de 91 mcg/kg. En 8 pacientes se administró una dosis y 2 dosis en 2 pacientes. En todas las pacientes se logró la hemostasia; el sangrado disminuyó significativamente posterior a la administración del factor VII recombinante activado (5075 vs 928 mL; p = 0.000) lo mismo que la cantidad de concentrados eritrocitarios trasfundidos (7 vs 3; p = 0.006). Una paciente no requirió histerectomía, otra tuvo tromboembolia pulmonar, que se trató sin problemas y ninguna paciente falleció. CONCLUSIÓN: El factor VII recombinante activado como hemostático en hemorragia obstétrica grave mostró resultados favorables y evitó la histerectomía en una paciente. Requiere vigilancia estrecha de las complicaciones trombóticas.

Abstract OBJECTIVE: To describe outcome of patients with severe obstetric hemorrhage (≥ 1000 mL) treated with rFVIIa as part of the management and to detect complications related to its use. MATERIALS AND METHODS: Retrospective, cross-sectional and descriptive study carried out in patients with severe obstetric hemorrhage treated at the Hospital Civil de Guadalajara Dr. Juan I Menchaca between 2001 and 2017 and treated with activated recombinant factor VII. We identified relevant antecedents, average dose and number of doses of rFVIIa, and hemostatic response. We determined if quantity of bleeding, administration of blood products and hematological parameters before and after using rFVIIa was significantly different. RESULTS: We identified ten patients with rFVIIa administration. The cause of severe obstetric hemorrhage was uterine atony in six cases. The average dose of rFVIIa was 91 mcg/kg; one dose was administered in eight patients and two doses in two patients. Hemostasis was achieved in all patients, bleeding decreased significantly after administration of rFVIIa (5075 mL vs 928 mL, p = 0.000) and the number of erythrocyte concentrates required 7vs 3, p = 0.006). One patient did not require a hysterectomy after rFVIIa administration; one patient presented pulmonary thromboembolism and recovered without complications, no patient died. CONCLUSION: rFVIIa administration as a hemostatic in severe obstetric hemorrhage had favorable results, preventing hysterectomy in one patient. Follow-up requires close monitoring of thrombosis.

HU rev ; 44(3): 401-410, 2018.
Article in Portuguese | LILACS | ID: biblio-1048110


Atualmente, muitas das vacinas em desenvolvimento são aquelas compostas de proteínas antigênicas individuais de parasitas ou uma combinação de vários antígenos individuais que são produzidos como produtos recombinantes obtidos por técnicas de biologia molecular. Dentre elas a Leish-111f e sua variação Leish-110f tem ganhado destaque na proteção contra a LV e LC e alcançaram estudos de fase II em seres humanos. A eficácia de uma vacina é otimizada pela adição de adjuvantes imunológicos. No entanto, embora os adjuvantes tenham sido usados por mais de um século, até o momento, apenas alguns adjuvantes são aprovados para o uso em humanos, a maioria destinada a melhorar a eficácia da vacina e a produção de anticorpos protetores específicos do antígeno. os mecanismos de ação dos adjuvantes imunológicos são diversos, dependendo da sua natureza química e molecular sendo capazes de ativar células imunes especificas que conduzem a respostas imunes inatas e adaptativas melhoradas. embora o mecanismo de ação molecular detalhado de muitos adjuvantes ainda seja desconhecido, a descoberta de receptores Toll-like (TLrs) forneceu informações críticas sobre o efeito imunoestimulador de numerosos componentes bacterianos que envolvem interação com receptores TLrs, mostrando que estes ligantes melhoram tanto a qualidade como a quantidade de respostas imunes adaptativas do hospedeiro quando utilizadas em formulações de vacinais direcionadas para doenças. o potencial desses adjuvantes de TLr em melhorar o design e os resultados de várias vacinas está em constante evolução, à medida que novos agonistas são descobertos e testados em modelos experimentais e estudos clínicos de vacinação. Nesta revisão, é apresentado um resumo do progresso recente no desenvolvimento de proteínas recombinantes de segunda geração e adjuvantes de TLr, sendo o foco principal nos TLr4 e suas melhorias.

many of the vaccines in development are currently composed of individual antigenic proteins from parasites or a combination of several individual antigens that are produced as recombinant products obtained by molecular biology techniques. Among them, Leish-111f and its Leish-110f variation have gained prominence in protection against LV and LC and already have Phase II clinical trials in humans. The efficacy of a vaccine is optimized by the addition of immunological adjuvants. However, although adjuvants have been used for more than a century, until present date, only a few adjuvants are approved for use in humans, most intended to improve vaccine efficacy, the production of antigen-specific protective antibodies and an appropriate cell-immune response. The mechanisms of action of immunological adjuvants are diverse depending on their chemical and molecular nature being able to activate specific immune cells leading to improved innate and adaptive immune responses. Although the molecular mechanism of action of many adjuvants is still unknown, the discovery of Toll-like receptors (TLrs) has provided critical information on the immunostimulatory effect of numerous bacterial components involving interaction with TLr showing that these ligands improve both the quality as the amount of host adaptive immune responses when used in vaccine formulations. The potential of these TLr adjuvants in improving the design and results of many vaccines is in constantly evolution as new molecules agonists are discovered and tested in experimental models and clinical trials as well. In this review, a summary of recent progress in the development of second generation recombinant proteinsand adjuvants of TLr is presented, being the main focus in TLr4 and its improvements.

Adjuvants, Immunologic , Recombinant Proteins , Vaccines , Immunotherapy , Leishmaniasis, Visceral , Antibodies , Antibody Formation
Biomédica (Bogotá) ; 37(1): 131-140, ene.-feb. 2017. graf
Article in Spanish | LILACS | ID: biblio-888451


Resumen Introducción: El dengue es una enfermedad causada por uno de los cuatro serotipos del virus del dengue (DENV) y es endémica en, aproximadamente, 130 países. Su incidencia ha aumentado notablemente en las últimas décadas, así como la frecuencia y la magnitud de los brotes. A pesar de los esfuerzos, no existen tratamientos profilácticos ni terapéuticos contra la enfermedad y, en ese contexto, el estudio de los procesos que gobiernan el ciclo de infección del DENV es esencial para desarrollar vacunas o terapias antivirales. Una de las moléculas del DENV más prometedoras es la proteína no estructural 3 (NS3), la cual es indispensable para la replicación viral y es uno de los principales blancos inmunológicos durante la infección. Objetivo: Producir anticuerpos policlonales para contribuir a los futuros estudios sobre las interacciones entre la proteína NS3 y otras proteínas celulares. Materiales y métodos: Se expresaron dos proteínas recombinantes del dominio helicasa de NS3 del DENV de serotipo 2, las cuales se emplearon para inmunizar ratas y producir anticuerpos policlonales. Resultados: Los anticuerpos producidos fueron útiles en ensayos de Western blot e inmunofluorescencia y se reportó por primera vez un anticuerpo policlonal anti-NS3 que permitió la inmunoprecipitación de la proteína viral y la detecta con Western blot sin necesidad de inducir sobreexpresión de NS3 o de usar extractos de células marcados metabólicamente con radioisótopos. Conclusión: Las proteínas recombinantes expresadas y los anticuerpos producidos constituyen herramientas valiosas para estudiar procesos infecciosos del DENV que involucren a la proteína NS3 y evaluar pruebas dirigidas a interferir las funciones de esta proteína.

Abstract Introduction: Dengue is a disease caused by one of four serotypes of the dengue virus (DENV) and is endemic in approximately 130 countries. The incidence of dengue has increased dramatically in recent decades, as well as the frequency and magnitude of outbreaks. Despite all efforts, there are no prophylactic or therapeutic treatments for the disease. Accordingly, research on the processes governing the DENV infection cycle is essential to develop vaccines or antiviral therapies. One of the most attractive DENV molecules to investigate is nonstructural protein 3 (NS3), which is essential for viral replication and a major immune target for infection. Objective: To produce antibodies to support future studies on NS3 and its cellular interactions with other proteins. Materials and methods: Two recombinant proteins of the helicase domain of DENV NS3 serotype 2 were expressed, and used to immunize mice and produce polyclonal antibodies. Results: The antibodies produced were useful in Western blot and immunofluorescence tests. We report an NS3 antibody that immunoprecipitates the viral protein and detects it in Western blot with no need to over-express it or use cell extracts with metabolic radiolabeling.

Animals , Humans , Mice , Virus Replication/physiology , Viral Nonstructural Proteins/genetics , Viral Nonstructural Proteins/metabolism , Dengue/virology , Dengue Virus/immunology , Antibodies, Viral/immunology , Virus Replication/genetics , Virus Replication/immunology , Serine Endopeptidases/genetics , Serine Endopeptidases/metabolism , Serine Endopeptidases/chemistry , Blotting, Western , Viral Nonstructural Proteins/chemistry , RNA Helicases/genetics , RNA Helicases/metabolism , RNA Helicases/chemistry , Antibodies, Viral/metabolism , Antibodies, Viral/chemistry
Biomédica (Bogotá) ; 36(supl.1): 97-108, dic. 2016. graf, tab
Article in English | LILACS | ID: lil-783527


Introduction: The production of recombinant proteins is essential for the characterization and functional study of proteins from Plasmodium falciparum . However, the proteins of P . falciparum are among the most challenging to express, and when expression is achieved, the recombinant proteins usually fold incorrectly and lead to the formation of inclusion bodies. Objective: To obtain and purify four recombinant proteins and to use them as antigens to produce polyclonal antibodies. The production efficiency and solubility were evaluated as the proteins were expressed in two genetically modified strains of Escherichia coli to favor the production of heterologous proteins (BL21-CodonPlus (DE3)-RIL and BL21-pG-KJE8). Materials and methods: The four recombinant P. falciparum proteins corresponding to partial sequences of PfMyoA (Myosin A) and PfGAP50 (gliding associated protein 50), and the complete sequences of PfMTIP (myosin tail interacting protein) and PfGAP45 (gliding associated protein 45), were produced as glutathione S-transferase-fusion proteins, purified and used for immunizing mice. Results: The protein expression was much more efficient in BL21-CodonPlus, the strain that contains tRNAs that are rare in wild-type E. coli , compared to the expression in BL21-pG-KJE8. In spite of the fact that BL21-pG-KJE8 overexpresses chaperones, this strain did not minimize the formation of inclusion bodies. Conclusion: The use of genetically modified strains of E . coli was essential to achieve high expression levels of the four evaluated P . falciparum proteins and lead to improved solubility of two of them. The approach used here allowed us to obtain and purify four P . falciparum proteins in enough quantity to produce polyclonal antibodies in mice, and a fair amount of two pure and soluble recombinant proteins for future assays.

Introducción. La producción de proteínas recombinantes es fundamental para el estudio funcional de las proteínas de Plasmodium falciparum . Sin embargo, las proteínas recombinantes de P . falciparum están entre las más difíciles de expresar y, cuando lo hacen, usualmente se agregan dentro de cuerpos de inclusión insolubles. Objetivo. Evaluar la producción de cuatro proteínas de P. falciparum usando como sistema de expresión dos cepas de Escherichia coli genéticamente modificadas para favorecer la producción de proteínas heterólogas y establecer una reserva de proteínas recombinantes puras y solubles, y producir anticuerpos policlonales a partir de ellas. Materiales y métodos. Las proteínas recombinantes, las cuales correspondían a secuencias parciales de PfMyoA (Miosina-A) y PfGAP50 (proteína-asociada a glideosoma de 50 kDa) y a las secuencias completas de PfMTIP (proteína de interacción con miosina-A) y PfGAP45 (proteína asociada a glideosoma de 45 kDa), fueron expresadas como proteínas de fusión con la glutatión S-transferasa y luego purificadas y usadas para producir anticuerpos policlonales en ratón. Resultados. La expresión de las proteínas recombinantes fue mucho más eficiente en la cepa BL21-CodonPlus (la cual expresa tRNAs escasos en las bacterias silvestres), que en la cepa BL21-pG-KJE8. Por el contrario, aunque la cepa BL21-pG-KJE sobreexpresa chaperonas, no redujo la formación de cuerpos de inclusión. Conclusión. El uso de cepas de E . coli genéticamente modificadas fue fundamental para alcanzar altos niveles de expresión de las cuatro proteínas recombinantes evaluadas y permitió obtener dos de ellas en forma soluble. La estrategia utilizada permitió expresar cuatro proteínas recombinantes de P . falciparum en cantidad suficiente para inmunizar ratones y producir anticuerpos policlonales y, además, conservar proteína pura y soluble de dos de ellas para ensayos futuros.

Plasmodium falciparum , Escherichia coli , Recombinant Proteins
Mem. Inst. Invest. Cienc. Salud (Impr.) ; 14(2): 110-121, ago. 2016. ilus, tab
Article in Spanish | LILACS, BDNPAR | ID: biblio-869081


Los anticuerpos constituyen un componente fundamental del sistema inmune, permitiendo el reconocimiento con alta especificidad y posterior destrucción de moléculas extrañas. Los anticuerpos monoclonales, producidos por la tecnología del hibridoma, presentan desventajas para su uso en terapia humana debido a su origen en una especie diferente. La ingeniería genética posibilitó la utilización de los anticuerpos monoclonales para terapias humanas, generando los anticuerpos recombinantes terapéuticos. Así, los anticuerpos recombinantes se han transformado en un importante grupo de fármacos; con decenas de ellos aprobados para terapia humana y cientos en desarrollo. Se utilizan con éxito como tratamiento para un amplio rango de patologías, tales como cáncer, autoinmunidad e infecciones, siendo desde hace años el biofármaco con mayores ventas. Inicialmente todos los anticuerpos recombinantes terapéuticos presentaban la estructura convencional de los anticuerpos. Sin embargo, más recientemente, se han generado nuevos diseños que no poseen las características estructurales naturales, como los anticuerpos de simple cadena y bi-específicos. Debido al desarrollo y éxito de la tecnología de anticuerpos recombinantes, se espera un aumento constante en el número de anticuerpos terapéuticos contra nuevos blancos, además de la generación de nuevas estructuras, usos y estrategias terapéuticas. En esta revisión, nos centraremos en las características estructurales y los nuevos formatos de anticuerpos, así como su aplicación clínica en el tratamiento de diversas patologías. Además analizaremos los nuevos formatos de anticuerpos que se encuentran en el mercado y la aparición de los anticuerpos biosimilares.

Antibodies are a key component of the immune system, acting in the highly specific recognition and subsequent destruction of foreign molecules. Monoclonal antibodies produced by hybridoma technology have disadvantages for use in human therapy becauseof its origin in a different species. Genetic engineering enabled the use of monoclonalantibodies for human therapies, generating recombinant therapeutic antibodies. Thus, the recombinant antibodies have become an important group of drugs; dozens of them are approved for human therapy and there are hundreds in development. They are successfully used as a treatment for a wide range of pathologies, such as cancer, autoimmunity and infections, being the biopharmaceutical with higher sales. Initially therapeutic recombinant antibodies showed the conventional structure of the antibodies. However, more recently, new designs that do not have natural structural features havebeen generated such as single chain formats and bi-specific antibodies. Due to development and success of recombinant antibody technology, a steady increase in the number of newtherapeutic drugs against new targets is expected in addition to the generation of new structures, uses and therapeutic strategies. In this review, we will focus on their structural features and clinical application in the treatment of various pathologies. We will also discuss new formats of antibodies and the emergence of biosimilar antibodies.

Humans , Antibodies/therapeutic use , Immunoglobulins , Antibodies, Monoclonal
Rev. colomb. biotecnol ; 18(1): 33-48, ene.-jun. 2016. ilus
Article in English | LILACS | ID: lil-791230


Introduction. Rotavirus entry into cells seems to be mediated by sequential interactions between viral structural proteins and some cell surface molecules. However, the mechanisms by which rotavirus infects target cell are still not well understood. There is some evidence showing that rotavirus structural proteins VP5* and VP8* interact with some cell surface molecules. The availability of recombinant rotavirus structural proteins in sufficient quantity has become very important for the identification of the specific virus-cell receptor interactions during the early events of the infectious process. Objective. The aim of the present work is to perform an analysis of the interactions between recombinant rotavirus structural proteins VP5*, VP8* and VP6, and cellular proteins Hsc70 and PDI using their purified recombinant versions. Materials and methods. Rotavirus recombinant VP5* and VP8*, and cellular recombinant proteins Hsc70 and PDI were expressed in E. coli BL21(DE3) while VP6 was expressed in recombinant vaccinia virus-transfected MA104 cells. The interaction between rotavirus and cellular proteins was studied using ELISA, co-immunoprecipitation and SDS-PAGE/Western blotting analysis. Results. The optimal conditions for expression of recombinant proteins were determined and antibodies were raised against them. The findings suggested that viral proteins rVP5* and rVP6 interact with Hsc70 and PDI in vitro. These viral recombinant proteins were also found to interact with raft-associated Hsc70 in a cell culture system. The treatment of cells with either rVP6 or DLPs produced significantly inhibition of rotavirus infection. Conclusion. The results allow us to conclude that rVP5* and rVP6 interact with Hsc70 and PDI during the rotavirus infection process.

Introducción. La entrada de rotavirus a las células parece estar mediado por interacciones secuenciales entre las proteínas estructurales virales y algunas moléculas de la superficie celular. Sin embargo, los mecanismos por los cuales el rotavirus infecta la célula diana aún no se comprenden bien. Existe alguna evidencia que muestra que las proteínas estructurales de rotavirus VP5* y VP8* interactúan con algunas moléculas de la superficie celular. La disponibilidad de las proteínas estructurales de rotavirus recombinantes en cantidad suficiente se ha convertido en un aspecto importante para la identificación de las interacciones específicas de los receptores virus-célula durante los eventos tempranos del proceso infeccioso. Objetivo. El propósito del presente trabajo es realizar un análisis de las interacciones entre las proteínas estructurales de rotavirus recombinante VP5*, VP8* y VP6, y las proteínas celulares Hsc70 y PDI utilizando sus versiones recombinantes purificadas. Materiales y métodos. Las proteínas recombinantes de rotavirus VP5* y VP8* y las proteínas recombinantes celulares Hsc70 y PDI se expresaron en E. coli BL21 (DE3), mientras que VP6 se expresó en células MA104 con virus vaccinia recombinante transfectada. La interacción entre el rotavirus y las proteínas celulares se estudió mediante ELISA, co-inmunoprecipitación y SDS-PAGE/ Western. Resultados. Las condiciones óptimas para la expresión de proteínas recombinantes se determinaron y se generaron anticuerpos contra ellas. Los resultados sugirieron que las proteínas virales rVP5* y rVP6 interactúan con Hsc70 y PDI in vitro. También se encontró que éstas proteínas virales recombinantes interactúan con Hsc70 en las balsas lipídicas ("Rafts") en un cultivo celular. El tratamiento de las células, ya sea con DLP o rVP6 produjo significativamente la inhibición de la infección por rotavirus. Conclusión. Los resultados permiten concluir que rVP5 * y rVP6 interactúan con Hsc70 y PDI durante el proceso de la infección por rotavirus.

Rev. bras. odontol ; 72(1/2): 30-36, Jan.-Jun. 2015. ilus, graf
Article in Portuguese | LILACS | ID: lil-792055


A reabsorção do osso alveolar ocorre após a perda dentária por vários fatores, tais como: exodontia, traumatismo, processos patológicos ou mesmo reabsorção por desuso. A reabilitação com implantes requer osso em quantidade e qualidade. Os enxertos autógenos são considerados os enxertos tipo "padrão ouro" para regeneração óssea guiada. Contudo, o aumento ósseo dessa região tem sido feito também com biomateriais, que é qualquer substância, droga, combinação de substâncias de origem natural ou sintética que pode ser usado como reposição de algum tecido, órgão ou função do corpo. Embora promissora, a utilização das proteínas morfogenéticas ósseas na Implantodontia e na Cirurgia Bucomaxilofacial ainda necessita de maior respaldo científico. O objetivo desse estudo foi fazer uma breve revisão sobre a utilização das proteínas recombinantes e esclarecer os clínicos sobre suas indicações e reais limitações.

The bone alveolar reabsortion occurs after lost dental by many factors such as: exodontic, traumatism, pathologic process or even atrophy due to disuse. Implant supported rehabilitation requires amount and quality of bone. Autogenous bone has been considered "the gold standard" graft to guided bone regeneration. However, the bone augmentation in this region has been done with biomaterials too, that is any substance, drug, combination of substances of natural or synthetic origin which may be used for a replacement tissue, organ or body function. Although promising, the widespread use of bone morphogenetic proteins in Implantology and in Maxillofacial Surgery demands greater scientific support. The aim of this study was to do a brief review to the use of recombinant proteins and clarify clinical about its indications and true limitations.

Tissues , Biocompatible Materials , Recombinant Proteins , Dental Implants , Bone Morphogenetic Proteins
Salvador; s.n; 2015. 126 p. ilus.
Thesis in Portuguese | LILACS | ID: biblio-870335


Uma vacina efetiva contra a leishmaniose visceral (LV) canina pode contribuir para o controle da doença no homem. Visando o desenvolvimento de uma vacina contra LV canina, antígenos recombinantes de L. infantum foram selecionados em nosso laboratório pelo uso de uma mistura de soros de seres humanos ou cães naturalmente infectados pela L. infantum. Alguns destes antígenos foram testados em diversos protocolos de imunização, incluindo uso de diferentes adjuvantes, em camundongos ou cães. A imunização de camundongos ou cães com um dos antígenos recombinantes (rLci2B) usado isoladamente ou em associação com saponina induziu resposta imune Th2 ou Th1/Th2, respectivamente, não protetoras contra a infecção experimental. Com a determinação da sequência deduzida de aminoácidos notou-se que a maioria dos antígenos selecionados apresenta um segmento com sequência de aminoácidos única (domínio não repetitivo) e segmentos com sequência de aminoácidos com motivos repetitivos (domínios repetitivos).Possivelmente a incapacidade dos antígerecombinantes de induzir uma resposta imune predominantemente Th1, protetora contra a LV, seria por conta da presença de domínios repetitivos, que favorecem a apresentação antigênica por linfócitos B e, consequentemente, estimulam uma resposta imune Th2. Para avaliar o direcionamento da resposta imune pelos dois tipos de domínio, novas construções de DNA foram concebidas de modo a codificar apenas domínio(s) não repetitivo(s) ou domínio(s) não repetitivo(s) e domínios repetitivos.OBJETIVOS: Produzir quatro proteínas recombinantes com domínios não repetitivos (rLci2-NT-CT, rLci3-NT-CT, rLci10-NT e rLci12-NT-CT) e avaliar a capacidade desses polipeptídios de induzir resposta imune celular in vitro em cães assintomáticos inoculados por via dérmica com L. infantum. MATERIAIS E MÉTODOS: Foram realizadas: a)a subclonagem de construções de DNA (Lci3-NT-CT, Lci10-NT e Lci12-NT-CT) em um plasmídeo apropriado para expressão em Escherichia coli, b) a determinação de condições apropriadas para produção das proteínas recombinantes (rLci2-NT-5R-CT, rLci2-NT-CT, rLci3-NT-2R-CT, rLci3-NT-CT, rLci10-NT-2R e rLci10-NT) c) a purificação das proteínas recombinantes por cromatografia de afinidade e d)avaliação da capacidade dos polipeptídios de induzir estimulação de células mononucleares sangue periférico (PBMC) de cães assintomáticos inoculados por via dérmica com L.infantum. RESULTADOS:Três (rLci2-NT-CT, rLci2-NT-5R-CT, rLci3-NT-CT, rLci3-NT-2R-CT, rLci10-NT e rLci10-NT-2R) dos quatro pares de polipeptídios recombinantes foram expressos, produzidos e purificados. Três antígenos recombinantes (rLci2-NT-5R-CT,rLci2-NT-CT e rLci3-NT-2R-CT) promoveram a linfoproliferação in vitro utilizando PBMC de cães assintomáticos inoculados por via dérmica com L. infantum CONCLUSÕES: Três das seis proteínas produzidas induziram a linfoproliferação, sendo a maior linfoproliferação encontrada para PBMC estimulado com a proteína sem domínios repetitivos (rLci2-NT-CT). Avaliações adicionais são necessárias para comprovar a utilidade destas moléculas em formulação de vacina contra leishmaniose visceral canina.

An effective vaccine against visceral leishmaniasis (VL) dog can help to control the disease in man. Aiming at development of a vaccine against canine VL, recombinant antigens of L. infantum were selected in our laboratory by using a mixture of sera from humans or dogs naturally infected with L. infantum. Some of these antigens were tested in different immunization protocols, including use of different adjuvants in mice or dogs. The immunization of mice or dogs with a recombinant antigens (rLci2B) used alone or in combination with saponin induced Th2 response or Th1 / Th2, respectively, did not protective against experimental infection. With the determination of the deduced amino acid sequence it was noted that most of the antigens selected segment has a unique amino acid sequence (non-repetitive domain) and segments of amino acid sequence with repetitive motifs (repetitive domains). Possibly the inability of recombinant antigens to induce an immune response predominantly Th1 protective against LV would be due to the presence of repetitive domains that promote antigen presentation by B cells and thus stimulate an immune response Th2. To assess the direction of the immune response by two types of domain, new DNA constructs were designed to encode only the domain (s) not repetitive (s) or domain (s) not repetitive (s) and repetitive fields. MATERIALS AND METHODS: Were performed: a) subcloning DNA constructs (rLci3-NT-CT, rLci10-NT and rLci12-NT-CT) into a suitable plasmid for expression in Escherichia coli, b) determining the appropriate conditions for the production of proteins recombinant (rLci2NT-5R-CT, rLci2-NT-CT, rLci3-NT-2R-CT, rLci3-NT-CT, rLci10-NT-2R and rLci10-NT) c) purification of recombinant proteins by chromatography affinity d) evaluating the ability of polypeptides rLci2-NT-CT, rLci3-NT-CT and rLci10-NT to induce stimulation of peripheral blood mononuclear cells (PBMC) from healthy dogs inoculated dermal with L. infantum...

Humans , Leishmaniasis, Visceral/diagnosis , Leishmaniasis, Visceral/epidemiology , Leishmaniasis, Visceral/immunology , Leishmaniasis, Visceral/parasitology , Leishmaniasis, Visceral/prevention & control , Leishmaniasis, Visceral/transmission
Colomb. med ; 45(2): 61-66, Apr.-June 2014. ilus, tab
Article in English | LILACS | ID: lil-720243


Objective: To compare the diagnostic performance of seven methods to determine Trypanosoma cruzi infection in patients with chronic Chagas disease. Methods: Analytical study, using the case-control design, which included 205 people (patients with Chagasic cardiomyopathy, n= 100; control group, n= 105). Three enzyme linked immunosorbent assays, one indirect hemagglutination assay and one immunochromatographic test were assessed. Additionally, DNA amplification was performed via the PCR method using kinetoplast and nuclear DNA as target sequences. For the comparative analysis of diagnostic tests, the parameters used were sensitivity, specificity, positive and negative predictive values, Receiver Operator Characteristic (ROC), positive and negative likelihood ratio, as well as κ quality analysis. Results: The commercial Bioelisa Chagas test showed the highest sensitivity (98%), specificity (100%), and positive and negative predictive values; additionally it had the highest discriminatory power. Otherwise, the amplification of T. cruzi DNA in blood samples showed low values of sensitivity (kinetoplast DNA= 51%, nuclear DNA= 22%), but high values of specificity (100%), and moderate to low discriminatory ability. Conclusion: The comparative analysis among the different methods suggests that the diagnostic strategy of T. cruzi infection in patients with chronic Chagas disease can be performed using ELISA assays based on recombinant proteins and/or synthetic peptides, which show higher diagnosis performance and can confirm and exclude the diagnosis of T. cruzi infection. The molecular methods show poor performance when used in the diagnosis of patients with chronic Chagas disease.

Objetivo: Comparar la capacidad diagnóstica de siete métodos para determinar infección por Trypanosoma cruzi, en pacientes con enfermedad de Chagas crónica. Métodos: Estudio analítico de casos y controles, que incluyó 205 personas (pacientes con miocardiopatía chagásica, n= 100; grupo control, n= 105). Se evaluaron tres inmunoensayos enzimáticos, una hemaglutinación indirecta y una inmunocromatografia. Adicionalmente, se realizó amplificación de ADN de T. cruzi por reacción en cadena de la polimerasa utilizando como secuencias diana ADN de kinetoplasto y nuclear. Para el análisis comparativo de las pruebas diagnósticas, los parámetros utilizados fueron sensibilidad, especificidad, valores predictivo positivo y negativo, análisis ROC, razón de verosimilitud positiva y negativa, así como análisis de calidad κ. Resultados: La prueba Bioelisa para Chagas mostró la mayor sensibilidad (98%), especificidad (100%) y valores predictivos positivo y negativo; además ésta tuvo el mayor poder discriminatorio. En contraste, los ensayos de amplificación de ADN de T. cruzi mostraron baja sensibilidad (ADN de kinetoplasto= 51%, ADN nuclear= 22%), alta especificidad (100%) y de moderada a baja capacidad discriminatoria. Conclusión: El análisis comparativo entre los métodos sugiere utilizar como estrategia diagnóstica en pacientes crónicos con enfermedad de Chagas, los ensayos de ELISA con proteínas recombinantes y/o péptidos sintéticos por mostrar un rendimiento diagnóstico superior y tener la capacidad de confirmar y descartar el diagnóstico de infección por T. cruzi. Los métodos moleculares muestran pobre rendimiento para ser utilizados en el diagnóstico de pacientes en fase crónica con enfermedad de Chagas.

Adult , Female , Humans , Male , Young Adult , Chagas Cardiomyopathy/diagnosis , Chagas Disease/diagnosis , Trypanosoma cruzi/isolation & purification , Case-Control Studies , Chronic Disease , Enzyme-Linked Immunosorbent Assay/methods , Hemagglutination Tests/methods , Chromatography, Affinity/methods , Likelihood Functions , Nucleic Acid Amplification Techniques/methods , Predictive Value of Tests , ROC Curve , Sensitivity and Specificity
Rev. colomb. biotecnol ; 15(1): 82-97, ene.-jun. 2013. ilus
Article in Spanish | LILACS | ID: lil-696137


La caracterización de las proteínas estructurales del rotavirus y de las proteínas de la superficie de la célula hospedera implicadas en la unión y penetración del virion requiere de la disponibilidad de cantidades suficientes y de alto grado de pureza de estas proteínas. Por lo tanto, el objetivo de este trabajo fue expresar y purificar las proteínas estructurales del rotavirus de la cepa RRV, VP5* y VP8*, y producir anticuerpos policlonales dirigidos contra ellas. Se expresaron las proteínas recombinantes VP5* (rVP5*) y VP8* (rVP8*) en bacterias E. coli BL21(DE3) transfectadas con el plásmido pGEX-4T que contenía sus secuencias codificantes. Se consideraron como variables el medio de crecimiento, número de bacterias antes de inducir la expresión, concentración del inductor y tiempo de inducción. La mayor proporción de rVP8* se obtuvo cuando las bacterias transformadas se cultivaron en medio LB y la inducción se llevó a cabo con 1 mM de IPTG cuando el cultivo alcanzó una OD 600 nm de 0.5 y la inducción se mantuvo durante 6 h. rVP5* alcanzó la mayor proporción cuando células a una OD 600 nm de 0.2 fueron inducidas con 0.5 mM de IPTG durante 4 h en medio 2XYT en presencia de glucosa al 2 %. Las proteínas recombinantes obtenidas, acumuladas en la fracción insoluble, fueron solubilizadas con detergentes iónicos y no iónicos, seguido de purificación mediante cromatografía de afinidad antes de ser empleadas como antígenos para la producción de anticuerpos policlonales en conejos. Estos anticuerpos se caracterizaron mediante su capacidad de reconocimiento de los antígenos correspondientes en ELISA, "Western blotting", y en ensayos de inmunocitoquímica en células infectadas con rotavirus RRV. La cantidad y el grado de pureza de las proteínas recombinantes obtenidas, y los anticuerpos dirigidos contra ellas, anticipan su utilidad como herramientas en la caracterización de la interacción virus-célula.

The characterization of rotavirus structural proteins and the cell surface proteins involved in virion binding and penetration depends on the availability of substantial amounts of highly purified proteins. The aim of the present work was to express and purify the rotavirus structural proteins VP5* and VP8* in order to produce polyclonal antibodies against them. Recombinant proteins VP5* (rVP5*) and VP8* (rVP8*) were expressed in E. coli cells transfected with pGEX-4T or pET 28a containing their corresponding encoding sequences. Culture medium, bacterial concentration before induction, inductor concentration and induction time were used as variables. The greater proportion of rVP8* was obtained when transfected bacteria were grown in medium LB and induction was started by adding 1 mM IPTG to cells at OD 600 nm 0.5 followed by 6 h-induction. The highest proportion of rVP5* was reached when cells at OD 600 nm 0.2 were induced with 0.5 mM IPTG for 4 h in medium 2XYT containing 2% glucose. The recombinant proteins accumulated in the insoluble fraction were solubilized with ionic and non-ionic detergents, and purified by affinity chromatography before being used as antigens for production of rabbit polyclonal antibodies. The antibodies produced were characterized through their ability to recognize the corresponding antigens in ELISA, Western blotting, and immunochemistry assays in rotavirus infected cells. The amount and purity of recombinant proteins obtained in this work, and the antibodies against them, are expected to be useful for the characterization of the virus-cell interaction.

Escherichia coli , Proteins , Rotavirus , Antibodies , Virion
São Paulo; s.n; 2012. 153 p.
Thesis in Portuguese | LILACS, SES-SP, SESSP-IBPROD, SES-SP, SESSP-IBACERVO | ID: biblio-1080931


A leptospirose é uma zoonose causada por bactérias patogênicas do gênero Leptospira. O sequenciamento do genoma completo de L. interrogans sorovar Copenhageni tem permitido a obtenção e caracterização de proteínas potencialmente envolvidas na patogênese desta bactéria, como lipoproteínas e proteínas de membrana externa. Neste trabalho, foram estudados três genes, OmpL1, LIC10731 e LIC10645, dos quais o gene OmpL1 foi o mais frequente em diferentes espécies de Leptospira. As proteínas recombinantes foram purificadas por cromatografia de afinidade ao metal. As três proteínas recombinantes promoveram resposta humoral e celular após imunização em camundongos. Ensaios de adesão mostraram que as proteínas se ligam à laminina e plasminogênio, e adicionalmente a proteína OmpL1 se liga ao fibrinogênio e fibronectina plasmática. A proteína OmpL1 foi bastante reativa com soro de pacientes de leptospirose. Os resultados sugerem que as proteínas referentes aos genes estudados podem desempenhar um papel na patogênese da bactéria.

Leptospirosis is a zoonosis caused by pathogenic bacteria of genus Leptospira. Annotation of the genome sequences of L. interrogans serovar Copenhageni allows the identification and characterization of proteins potentially involved in the pathogenesis of this bacterium, such as lipoproteins and outer-membrane proteins. The present study characterized three genes, OmpL1, LIC10731 and LIC10645, and one of them, OmpL1, was the most frequent among different species of Leptospira. The recombinant proteins were purified by metal-chelating chromatography. All three recombinant proteins promoted humoral and cellular response after immunization in mice. Binding assays showed that all proteins interact to laminin and plasminogen, and additionally protein OmpL1 binds to fibrinogen and plasma fibronectin. OmpL1 was highly reactive with positive-leptospirosis human sera. The results suggest that the proteins encoded by these genes may play a role in the bacterium pathogenesis.

Humans , Leptospira interrogans , Leptospirosis , Escherichia coli Proteins/antagonists & inhibitors , Escherichia coli Proteins/adverse effects , Escherichia coli Proteins/immunology , Vaccines/immunology
Braz. j. vet. res. anim. sci ; 49(5): 377-385, 2012.
Article in Portuguese | LILACS | ID: lil-687636


Considerando as limitações dos atuais métodos de controle contra a anaplasmose bovina, o desenvolvimento de uma vacina efetiva se faz necessário. A partir do advento da análise genômica e proteômica, novas proteínas de membrana de Anaplasma marginale foram identificadas como possíveis candidatas a componentes de uma vacina, tais como, VirB9, VirB10 e Fator Termo Instavél de Elongação de Peptídeos (EF-Tu). Embora estas proteínas ainda não estejam bem caracterizadas na membrana de A. marginale, a produção destas na forma recombinante (rVirB 9, rVirB10 e rEF-Tu) tem sido realizada, mas as mesmas ainda não foram exploradas em formulações vacinais. Neste trabalho, avaliou-se o uso de rVirB9, rVirB10 e rEF-Tu emulsionadas em adjuvante Montanide em camundongos. Nas condições testadas, verificou-se a indução de forte resposta imune humoral com a produção de IgG1 e IgG2a, sendo que as proporções dos níveis de produção destas subclasses indicam predomínio de IgG1. Entretanto, esplenócitos de animais, que foram injetados com rVirB9 ou rVirB10, produziram interferon-gama acima do limite de detecção do ensaio após estimulação in vitro, sinalizando assim resposta celular específica. Assim, novas avaliações serão realizadas com a finalidade de modular o perfil de resposta imune obtido em bovinos e avaliar a proteção contra A. marginale.

Considering the limitations of current methods of anaplasmosis control, the development of a more effective vaccine is required. Previous studies, using proteomic and genomic approaches, have identified new membrane proteins in Anaplasma marginale that may be vaccine candidates. These include VirB9, VirB10 and elongation factor-Tu (EFTu). Although the role of these proteins in the membrane of A. marginale has not been properly characterized, production of the recombinant proteins rVirB9, rVirB10, and rEF-Tu has been achieved. However, these recombinant proteins have not yet been exploited in vaccine formulations. The present study describes the use of rVirB9, rVirB10 and rEF-Tu, emulsificated in adjuvant Montanide, in mice. A strong humoral immune response was induced under these conditions, with both IgG1 and IgG2a production. The IgG2a/IgG1 ratios revealed a predominance of IgG1. However, splenocytes of the animals that received rVirB9 or rVirB10 produced high levels of gamma interferon after in vitro stimulation, indicating a specific cellular immune response to these proteins. Therefore, further studies are required to adjust the profile of the immune response in order to perform tests of protection against A. marginale in cattle.

Animals , Anaplasma/pathogenicity , Mice/classification , Peptides/chemistry , Allergy and Immunology , Proteins/chemistry